CDR Systems
TheUCC Continuous Dewatering and Recirculation (CDR) System is the latest innovative solution from UCC Environmental designed to meet both customer requirements and environmental demands. The CDR System eliminates the ash pond, requires minimal outage time and significantly reduces wastewater from the plant’s water balance.
Recirculation System
Ideal for converting wet sluice systems into a “dry” ash system without change to the existing bottom ash hoppers
Sluice System
Sluice System For many years, the hydraulic (sluice) system was the most often used method of conveying bottom ash. It is well suited to power plants where water is available, high conveying capacities are required, and the disposal point is a long distance from the boiler. Conveying rates up to 165 TPH (150 met).
How can we help?
Our team of experts are happy to help answer any questions you have about UCC’s solids solutions.