Sluice System

Hydraulic Bottom Ash System


For many years, the hydraulic (sluice) system was the most often used method of conveying bottom ash. It is well suited to power plants where water is available, high conveying capacities are required, and the disposal point is a long distance from the boiler. Conveying rates up to 165 TPH (150 metric tons) and conveying distances up to 12 miles (20 kilometers) are in operation. A typical system collects ash from the furnace in a water impounded hopper and then transports it in a sluice pipeline to dewatering bins or a pond. Where environmental regulations prohibit the use of a pond, or if land is scarce, the addition of a settling tank and a surge tank creates a closed loop recirculation system to address these issues.

Performance Specs

• Hopper storage (8 to 12hrs)

• Intermittent Operation Allows On-Line Maintenance

• No Internal Hopper Moving Parts

• Deep Hopper Water Pool Cushions and Quenches Slag Falls

• Simplistic Conveyor Routing and Maintenance

• Emergency Gravity Discharge Possible

• Largest Boiler size MW: 830

• Largest Capacity: 50 ntph

• Low power consumption

• Reduced operating and maintenance costs

• Reduced water usage

• Continuous ash removal reducing chance for clinkering to occur

Please contact your local UCC Representative for more information.

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Our team of experts are happy to help answer any questions you have about UCC’s solids solutions.
