As the implementation of the revised CCR regulations progresses, coal fired utilities that rely on bottom ash transport water systems to convey bottom ash from the powerhouse to the dewatering system will be converting these systems from once-through to recirculating systems. The proper balancing of inlet water with water losses from evaporation and from bottom ash moisture content, as well as any allowable blowdown to discharge, present complicated challenges for a facility. Managing these complex problems requires an intimate knowledge of powerhouse operational practices, bottom ash transport systems, and regulatory requirements.
UCC Environmental is the industry leader in the area of water balance optimization for bottom ash transport water systems. We have the expertise to design systems that meet all facility goals in the following areas:
• Water flows
• Water volumes
• Water pressures
• Total Suspended Solids settling and removal
• Chemical Treatment Program to prevent scale formation
• Chemical Treatment Program to control and prevent corrosion
UCC Environmental Advantage
Wastewater management is unique to each site. With over 100 years of CCR expertise, UCC understands the multiple factors influencing flow rate, CCR composition, and particle size distribution, as well as pH and heavy metal contaminants. With any process solution, Wastewater Treatment requirements will continually vary with process input changes, requiring a predictable and agile solution. With a comprehensive understanding of upstream processes, contaminant behaviors, wastewater chemistry, and treatment technologies – UCC provides flexible technical solutions to meet these changing demands. Our team is ready to provide a customized solution for your wastewater treatment needs, from process design, technology selection, balance of plant integration, installation, to operation and maintenance. Our WWT team will assess current conditions to identify the contaminant profile, define a scope and sampling plan, analyze for constituents and develop a customized treatment solution specific to your plant needs.
How can we help?
Our team of experts are happy to help answer any questions you have about UCC’s water solutions.
“UCC is very easy to work with. They get us what we want when we need it.”
– Power Generation Supervisor, Western Utility