UCC is dedicated to treating water from your ash pond closure project safely, efficiently, and in full compliance with regulations. With deep expertise in system design, process chemistry, plant integration, and operational excellence, we ensure your plant’s performance expectations and effluent requirements are met seamlessly and without compromise.
On May 8, 2024, EPA finalized changes to the CCR regulations for inactive surface impoundments, referred to as “legacy CCR surface impoundments.” Within tailored compliance deadlines, owners and operators of legacy CCR surface impoundments must comply with all existing requirements applicable to inactive CCR surface impoundments at active facilities, except for the location restrictions and liner design criteria.
Addressing Customer Challenges
Our CCR remediation solutions are designed to tackle the toughest challenges faced by plant operators during ash pond closures:
- Regulatory Compliance: We stay ahead of evolving environmental regulations, ensuring your project meets all local, state, and federal requirements.
- Water Quality Standards: Our advanced treatment systems deliver consistent results, meeting even the most stringent effluent discharge standards.
- Cost Efficiency: By optimizing system design and leveraging innovative process chemistries, we help you minimize operational costs without sacrificing performance.
- Seamless Integration: Our solutions are tailored to fit seamlessly into your plant’s operations, ensuring minimal downtime and disruption.
- Environmental Stewardship: We prioritize sustainable practices, helping you protect natural resources while achieving your remediation goals.
Tailored Wastewater Management for CCR Projects
Every site presents unique challenges when it comes to wastewater management. With over a century of CCR expertise, UCC Environmental ensures that all critical factors—flow rate, CCR composition, particle size distribution, pH levels, and heavy metal contaminants—are carefully evaluated to develop solutions tailored to your facility’s needs.
As your pond closure project evolves, wastewater treatment requirements will shift. These changes demand a flexible, reliable solution to maintain compliance and avoid costly delays. Leveraging our deep expertise in contaminant behaviors, wastewater chemistry, and advanced treatment technologies, UCC Environmental delivers solutions designed to adapt to these changing demands while safeguarding your operations and community.
From initial planning to post-closure care, our team is ready to partner with you to deliver site-specific solutions for ash pond wastewater remediation. Whether you’re exploring closure options for surface impoundments or maintaining lined landfill systems, we offer a complete range of services, including:
- Treatability testing
- Process design
- Technology selection
- Operation and maintenance support
- Comprehensive post-closure care options
Let UCC Environmental provide the expertise and peace of mind needed to navigate every phase of your pond closure journey.
• CCR Wastewater Treatment Systems – Permanent and Mobile Solutions
• Water Balance Optimization/Water Re-Use
• Ash Pond Dewatering and Treatment Services
• Landfill Leachate Treatment
• Stormwater Management
• CCR Material Handling and Dewatering
• CCR Classification and Beneficial Use Guidance
• Proven CCR Wastewater Treatment Technologies
• Operational Flexibility and Streamlined System Integration
• Reduced Capital and Operating & Maintenance Costs
• Operation and Maintenance Services Available
• Remote Monitoring and Reporting Capabilities
• NPDES Program Compliance Support
• Successful Reference Installations
• Turnkey Project Delivery Options
How can we help?
Our team of experts are happy to help answer any questions you have about UCC’s water solutions.